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September 2019 Student of the Month

Anthony Rozycki

Royalton High School has announced that Anthony Rozycki has been named the September Student of the Month. 


Anthony, the son of Seth and Bonnie Rozycki, appreciates his family and says, “I am incredibly lucky to have the parents that I do, even blessed. An amazing thing about them is that they talk to me about stuff. If somebody says or does something they are not afraid to talk with me about the best course of action. Because of them,I have pretty set-in-stone morals and that is due to their talking and teaching.”


Anthony also feels blessed because his parents trust him and allow him to be gone much more often than is reasonable due to his involvement in so many athletics and extracurricular activities at RHS. 


Anthony is involved in Speech, Cross Country, Track, BPA, Knowledge Bowl, Student Council, One Act, Youth Group, Drama Club, We Club, Basketball, FFA, MHS, Band and Choir. He states that being involved in each of these organizations has helped him in some way, but the ability to speak publicly and the friendships he has gained through each organization are most valuable to him. 


This young man stays busy in every area of his life. Jeremy Schaa, Social Studies teacher, comments, “Anthony might be the most talented and intelligent person I have ever met, as well as one of the most giving. As far as academics go, he is at the top of all students I have had in class. I have also witnessed him take the lead in many plays, and last spring in the first musical our school had done in over 30 years. He does this while balancing schoolwork, sports, and so many other activities.”


As far as academics go, Comp. I has been his favorite class. Anthony enjoys writing, reading and editing too much for it not to be his favorite. He also states there are far too many incredible staff members at Royalton High School to pick just one, but if he had to pick, Mr. Makela is his favorite. “If there was something in my writing that he did not agree with, he would listen and be accepting if I could justify what I had written,” commented Rozycki.


Anthony’s favorite memories of high school come from spending time with the students that make up the class of 2020. He states that his class coexists well with each other and they all have pretty good morals. Rozycki is the type of person who sees the goodness and strength in all people.


Math teacher Zach Silbernick states, “Anthony has an incredibly creative mind. Many students just want to be told what to do to get the grade they desire, but not Anthony. He truly cares about and enjoys learning. He would take what I taught him, go home, and research the content even more. Many times when he came back to class, Anthony was teaching me new ideas he discovered during his research. Anthony truly is a joy to have in class, but even better than his thirst for knowledge is Anthony’s character. He is an incredibly self-sacrificing young man, always more worried about others than himself. Anthony’s character and joy for learning are going to take him far in life. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for him. We are incredibly fortunate to have a student like Anthony Rozycki here at Royalton High School.” 


Because life has so much to offer, Anthony has not selected a specific career plan; he sees the University of Minnesota as part of his future. His personal goals are to take mission trips and obtain a job that has a positive outcome on the world or individual lives. “Whatever I do, I plan to be a kind person. I think that matters more than the degree or job title I have.”

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