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Royalton Public Schools
Volunteer Application
I am a
Preferred Grade Level Opportunities
Please mark all of the areas where you are interested in volunteering your time and talents
Availability: What days and times are you available to volunteer?


References are needed for volunteers who do not have children in Royalton Public Schools. Please provide two references who are not related to you(e.g., clergy, teacher, employer, neighbor, coach, etc.). The principals will verify all information provided, including but not limited to contacting references provided by the applicant.

I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that all information given by me/applicant in this application and in any other forms I/applicant complete during the application process is true and correct. I understand that false or misleading statements made by me/applicant or consequential omissions of any kind in the application process are sufficient cause for not being accepted as a volunteer or for being dismissed if I/applicant am already a volunteer no matter when discovered. I authorize the Royalton Public School District to investigate all of the information contained in this application. Any persons or organizations named are authorized to provide information regarding my/applicant's employment, volunteer history, character, and qualification and they are hereby released from all liability for providing such information.

Thanks for volunteering!

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