October 2022 Student of the Month
Ava Schoenrock

Ava is the daughter of Jeff and Amy. When looking at how she has got to where she is today, Ava believes her family has had a big part in that, “I have a relatively big family with my three sisters and parents, and I feel that they are the reason I am where I am today. My parents have always been my biggest role models, always supporting me in everything I do. Having my dad as a teacher, parent, and coach, has had its ups and downs, but the positives have always outweighed the negatives. I have also always looked up to my older sister, Autumn, because she, along with my parents, encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone and join new activities. Having her by my side when I am scared to try new things, makes me feel like anything is possible.”
When it comes to her classes Ava says her favorite class has been biology, “My favorite class I took was biology. This class was the first time I enjoyed learning about science, and I have loved learning about biology ever since. I have even considered studying biology in college. Since I liked the first biology class that I took in 10th grade so much, I decided to take College Human Biology this year and it has quickly become my favorite class. I really enjoy learning about the scientific makeup of organisms and learning about different aspects of the human body. The class is also college credit which makes it even better.”
As for a favorite teacher in high school, Ava has a couple teachers that come to mind, “Most people would assume that my favorite teacher would be Mr. Schoenrock since he is my dad, but I decided to choose someone else for this category because even though he is a great teacher, there are other teachers I have had that really impacted me. Two of the teachers that have really left an impact on me are Mrs. Tordsen and Mr. Koenig. I only had Koenig as a teacher for one year when I was a sophomore, but he has been my advisor in Student Council for a couple of years now and one of my coaches in FCA, so he has helped me not only with my essays in English class but also with learning how to become a more confident leader. Mrs. Tordsen is one of the happiest teachers in our school, always smiling and encouraging me to do my best. I truly admire her carefree spirit and kind personality.”
At Royalton High School Ava is involved with a number of different activities that keep her very busy, “In school, I am involved in multiple clubs and after-school activities including basketball, knowledge bowl, YES Club, student council, MHS, and FCA. I started playing basketball in elementary school and have loved it ever since. My favorite part of basketball is the rush you get after making a basket and the feeling of being a part of a team. I only recently joined knowledge bowl and YES Club, but I have found that I really enjoy being in both of these activities. Knowledge bowl gives me the opportunity to use all the information I have learned in school to compete against other schools, and YES Club allows me to learn about the environment and find ways to improve our school. I also really enjoy finding ways to help the community and volunteer which is the main reason I like being a part of MHS. In FCA, I get to spend time with other student-athletes who want to grow in their faith just like me. Student Council is probably my favorite activity to be a part of because I am able to help plan activities that go on in our school, but most importantly because Student Council has allowed me to develop leadership skills and make new friends. All of these activities have taught me the importance of teamwork and time management since juggling multiple activities as well as school and work can be quite a challenge.”
When it comes to time outside of school, Ava likes to spend it doing a number different things, “Outside of school, I enjoy camping, fishing, and being a part of my church's Youth Group. As much as I love sitting inside watching movies and reading books, I also spend a lot of time outdoors camping and fishing with my family. Additionally, I enjoy being a part of youth group because I get to spend time each week playing games while deepening my faith alongside many of my friends.”
Ava’s favorite high school memory came last year during the basketball season, “I would say that my favorite high school memory was when I got to play in a basketball game alongside all three of my sisters. My sisters and I were all born within 5 years, so we are relatively close in age but we never expected to all be on the court at the same time since my youngest sister would only be in 7th grade when my older sister was a senior. However, we did get the chance to play together if only for a few minutes, and even if I don’t get along with them all the time, it was pretty amazing having us all out there together.”
As for next year, she had an idea but is still deciding what she wants to do, “At the moment, I am undecided about what I will be doing next year. I hope to attend a four-year college but haven’t decided where I will go, and I have yet to figure out what I want to eventually do for a living. I have considered studying biology and even animal science which are both topics I am interested in learning more about.
When asked where she wants to be in 10 years, Ava had this to say. “Even though I haven’t figured out what I want to do for a career yet, I know that I want to find one that I truly enjoy and I hope that in 10 years I am happy with my decisions and where they led me. I also envision myself having multiple pets and hope to have traveled the world.”
Ava’s advice to high school freshmen is this, “I know everyone says this but enjoy it while it lasts because these next four years of high school will be over before you know it. I found that the best way to truly enjoy high school was by joining a variety of clubs and activities. Even though it is scary and might be out of your comfort zone, you will make so many friendships and memories. Not to mention, being a part of multiple clubs makes you look better on college applications.