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November 2017 Student of the Month

Emily Maday

Emily Maday, daughter of Beth and Tom Maday, has been named the November  Student of the Month at Royalton High School (RHS). She has an older sister, Katelyn who graduated from RHS in 2014.


Emily’s favorite class was Chemistry when she was a junior and Spanish 4 (CIC Intermediate Spanish 2 for college) for her current senior year. Her favorite teacher is Sra. Lindsey Gruber and she says “Emily consistently proves to be “the cream of the crop” among students. She is detail-oriented, organized, motivated, and always very diligent and thorough in her studies. She has an incredible work ethic and perseverance, both of which have contributed to her many academic achievements”. Ms. Sheri Menden her English teacher states that “One of the best aspects of teaching is watching the growth of students. Through the years, Emily has transitioned from a shy, watchful student to a confident and independent scholar, a student sure of her choices and decisions.” Never one to blow her own trumpet, Emily humbly leads by example: checking assignment requirements, assuming leadership roles in activities, and giving her best in all she does. Emily's more noticeable trait is her perseverance; she works at tasks, especially in researching and writing, until she achieves excellence. These are skills that will take her far as she pursues a career in the medical field. Ms. Kelcie Neumann, her Science teacher states that “She is a hard worker and always willing to help!”


Emily is very involved in activities at the school; she is in National Honor Society, Business Professionals of America, Royal Pride, Jazz and Pep band, Student Council, FFA, Spanish Club, Knowledge Bowl, 4-H, First United Methodist Church Youth Group. Emily’s favorite high school memory is traveling to Ecuador on a Spanish class trip in June of 2016. She experienced the culture of the indigenous people of Ecuador. She applied Spanish from the classroom to a real life situation. She explored the Amazon Rainforest, volcanoes and stood with one foot in the Northern Hemisphere and one foot in the Southern Hemisphere on the equator.

Emily’s future plans are to attend a 4 year university, either the University of St. Thomas or St. Olaf, while pursuing a degree in the Pre-med program. The advice she would give to all freshmen students “focus on your grades, and no matter how challenging your classes may get, don’t give up and don’t be afraid to ask questions. As difficult as it can be, try not to procrastinate and remember to always respect your teachers. Also, get involved in as many activities as possible because they make for a fun and memorable four years in high school before you know it, your years at RHS will come to an end.”


She sees herself in 10 years hopefully being a physician in the process of completing her medical residency. She also hopes to be married and thinking about starting a family.

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