May 2022 Student of the Month
David Fountain

Royalton High School is proud to announce that David Fountain was selected as Student of the Month for May. David is the son of Matthew and Jackie. David says his family has been a huge part of his life, “My family has played a big part in where I am today. From a young age my family has taught me that I have to work hard for what I want and that I need to have a strong work ethic. I’ve always been expected to try to be the best I can be and work towards what I want in life. My older siblings have always pushed me in life, and that doesn’t matter if we were fishing, playing baseball, or even comparing grades. If it weren't for my family's support I don't know if I would be as successful as I am today. Some things I enjoy doing with my family are going fishing, golfing, and camping with them.”
David loves being outdoors especially hunting and fishing, “Outside of school activities I pretty much only hunt and fish. I enjoy hunting and fishing a lot because it's a good way for me to forget about everything else going on in my life and relax. Hunting and fishing give me reasons to be outside and enjoy nature.” If David is not on the lake fishing or hunting, he’s probably busy being involved with a bunch of high school activities and with is his favorite activity being Cross Country, “In school I participate in cross country, basketball, track, and I am in Minnesota Honors Society. I enjoy all of these activities because I get to hang out with friends competing in different sports, and being involved in the community. My favorite activity I was involved in during school was cross country. One of the main reasons it was my favorite activity was because it felt more like a family than a team. After every meet all the runners are walking around congratulating the other runners no matter if they took first place or last place, and it doesn't matter if they know the person or not.”
When it comes to his classes David says his favorite class was his Get Wired class. “My favorite class was Get Wired with Mr. Skwira. The reason this was my favorite class was because it was a super fun class and you learn how to wire up an entire house. This class stood out from the other classes because it gives you real life experience of wiring up a circuit. The reason I suggest taking this class is because if you ever need to fix something like an outlet it gives you the skills to do so.”
As for a favorite teacher in high school David enjoys having Mr. Silbernick as a teacher. “My favorite teacher is Mr. Silbernick because he is an amazing teacher. The reason he is because he is always willing to help no matter what you are doing. It doesn't matter if you are two weeks behind or are needing help before the test, he will always make time for you to get help. Mr. Silbernick always makes sure us students have time to work on our assignments during class which is a big help. Not only is he super helpful, he makes his lessons fun by adding jokes into the lesson.”
David’s favorite memory from school involved one of his classmates, “My favorite memory was when Tyler Swenson stepped on the foot railing on Mrs. Mick’s van and he received a lunch detention for it.”
After graduating David plans to head north to Duluth “I will be attending the University of Minnesota Duluth and pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering and hopefully after graduation getting a career in aerospace engineering. The reason I chose to go into the engineering field is because I've always had a knack for math and I’ve always liked building things so my parents told me to look into engineering, and I felt that I would fit in perfectly.”
In ten years, David has an ideal place to live, “In 10 years I see myself having a stable job in the engineering field, also having a house with my wife and hopefully starting a family. One of my life goals is to either own a house on a river, stream, or lake and have a good amount of land that I can hunt and fish on with my children. This is important to me because I've always dreamed of owning a house on a body of water, and that I'm able to give my children the same great experience my parents gave me by living so close to a body of water.”
When asked to give advice to high school freshmen, here is what David had to say, “Always hold yourself accountable and to a high standard in school because it will build a great foundation and a great work ethic for your future self.”