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February 2018 Student of the Month

Samantha Post

Samantha Post, daughter of Molly and Brian Post, was named the February Student of the Month by the faculty of Royalton High School (RHS).


Samantha has a brother David and he attends Royalton School also. Samantha’s favorite class and teacher is Painting which is Mr. Carl Halverson Art class. He states “Samantha has tried every area of our art department, from yearbook and photography to drawing and sculpture. While she amazes students with her artistic abilities, it is more about who she is than what she creates that impresses me. Sam accepts people for who they are, which most professionals would probably credit as a display of a higher level of intelligence. She doesn't exclude people based on their social status, group or "click". I believe that she would do well in any field that would lead her to a career that involved helping people up rather than knocking them down. I've seen her do just that with many different age groups of students in her years at Royalton High School. I believe she will make the world a better place for those around her. Her Spanish teacher, Mrs. Lindsey Gruber states that “Samantha is inquisitive, organized, and works hard. She is self-motivated and pushes herself to learn, no matter the subject area. It’s also evident that she is concerned with the well-being of others and stands up for what she believes in. Samantha is confident in whom she is, and I’m sure, she will do great things in her life!


Samantha is active in Contest Choir and she likes volunteering at the Humane Society. Sam was also nominated to be Royalton’s January Artist of the Month; her paintings are hanging in the showcase by the media center.


Samantha’s says that she has too many favorite school memories to list. After graduating,

Samantha wants to work for a while, then go back to school for Environmental Science. She sees herself in ten years hopefully married, maybe a few kids and a nice stable job. If she had to give advice to freshmen students, it would be “a full night’s rest is important”.

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