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April 2022 Student of the Month

Ingrid Popp

Royalton High School is proud to announce that Ingrid Popp was selected as Student of the Month for April. Jenna is the daughter of Terry and Julie. When it comes to family Ingrid says they have been very important to her, “My family is very important to me and they have taught me many important lessons. My dad taught me never to give up even when I don’t think I could do something. My mom taught me to be goofy and to not care about what other people think. My sister gives me advice whenever I need it and has always been there for me. My brother taught me to be a kind, caring person because he looks up to me. One of my favorite things to do with my family is going out to eat because it’s rare that we do that. It’s hard to pull my dad away from the farm because you can’t just pull a farmer away from his cows.”

At Royalton High School, Ingrid believes the biggest activity she has been involved with was band, “I think the biggest activity I was involved in was being in band from 5th grade all the way to 12th grade. Band taught me that working as a team is very important. Each person has their own part and each part is important. Even if you have a small part in something, what you do contribute adds to the bigger picture. I’m going to really miss band class.”

When it comes to her classes Ingrid says her favorite class was her internship with a kindergarten class. This is what she had to say about her internship, “It’s so fascinating to watch kids grow and learn. I wish everybody could hang out with those kids. Each one is so funny, sweet, and unique. I’ll never forget the time I spent in Ms. Larson’s kindergarten class.”

As for a favorite teacher in high school, Ingrid says she not only has a favorite teacher but also a favorite staff member, “Dawn Towle in the office is one of my favorite people in the whole school. She’s not a teacher, but she still makes me so happy and her kindness inspires me to be kind. I am always so happy to talk to her and see her in the high school office. Mrs. Schreifels is one of my favorite teachers because she was the first person outside of my family who made me feel like I had a future in writing. I always was nervous to write and show other people and her feedback gave me confidence.”

Outside of school Ingrid spends a lot of time volunteering, “Over the summers I help out with VBS at Shepherd of the Pines Lutheran Church in Rice. There is so much joy in singing and dancing about God with little kids. It’s cool to watch them learn about God. I also like to help out with Feed My Starving Children when our church does it. I like to contribute what I can to help people and make the world a better place. I also help at my family’s dairy farm because the farm is one of the places, I find the most peace and joy. I love being outside with the animals and helping my dad and uncle. Each day on the farm is a new adventure.”

When asked what her favorite memory of school was this was Ingrid’s response, “In sixth grade, I participated in a game called Box of Lies in front of the whole school for Homecoming Olympics. Jhon was my partner for this activity and it was so much fun. I was so nervous lying to teachers because I thought they could see right through my lies. Somehow, Jhon & I beat all the other grades in this competition and we won. That moment when our grade started cheering for us in the stands was incredible.”

Ingrid’s plans for her future are these, “After graduation, I plan to take a year off. I hope to work on the family’s dairy farm during that off year because the farm is my safe place and I love being outside. If I went to college, it would be to earn a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education to become a kindergarten teacher because helping children is so much fun. Then in 10 years I hope I’m working with kindergarteners. I love little kids because each child is so unique and has so much potential. I would love to help and teach kids to be the best people they can be and have fun doing it. I would love to be a part of their journey to success. It’s such a big accomplishment to see kids retain information that you taught them and know they will use what you taught for the rest of their lives. In between teaching children, it has always been my dream to write a book. Maybe I’ll write one, one day. Who knows!!”

Ingrid’s advice to high school freshmen was this “It’s so cliche but truly don’t worry about what others think. Their opinion doesn’t matter. If you didn’t do something because other people told you it’s weird or if you wear something and other people make fun of you, that doesn’t show your character, it shows theirs. Please don’t worry about what others think.”

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