April 2019 Student of the Month
Brooke Richards

Brooke Richards, daughter of Angie and Paul Richards, has been named April Student of the Month at Royalton High School (RHS).
Brooke’s favorite class is yearbook, taught by Carl Halverson. “It allows me to use my creativity to create a book with a great group of people. It is a wonderful feeling holding the book in your hands that is full of so many memories, and knowing that you helped to create it from start to finish. Mr. Halverson is a great mentor and always makes sure to point all of us in the right direction, which I am very grateful for. I would also like to give a shout out to Dawn and Mr. Hagman for always listening to me spill tea.”
RHS Yearbook Advisor Carl Halverson stated, "I've been doing yearbooks for over thirty years and have had the privilege of working with many great young people. But I've never seen a Senior Editor run the show quite like Brooke did this year. There are four main benchmarks that all Senior Editors strive to hit to complete this 10-15 thousand dollar business venture. The first benchmark is good photography skills that are blended with photo-editing through photoshop, graphic design, and page layout. The second skill is writing articles as well as editing other staffer's written work to make a theme come to life. The third is selling advertising to help fund the book. Usually, a single editor might hit two of these skill sets. Brooke sold a record breaking $2000 in ad sales, designed well over 50 pages, and placed hundreds of photos throughout this year's Royal yearbook. She earned top honors from Josten's company in our state, and our Jostens rep said that he had not heard of another editor nationally who had hit these kind of top-notch parameters. And the fourth skill? She's simply one of the easiest going, nicest young people who has ever graced our staff. Our year-bookers learned so much from her that our book will surely continue our winning tradition. We will miss her smile as well as her genuine, pleasing disposition that greets us every morning as she enters the classroom the most. Best wishes to you Brooke as you enter the next step of your Graphic Arts career."
Social studies teacher Jeremy Schaa added, “Brooke Richards is a quiet leader and one of the nicest students I have had the good fortune of teaching. She is a hard worker who is not afraid of taking on a task and seeing it through to completion, even when others give up.”
Richards is active in Student Council, Yearbook, National Honors Society, and Spanish Club.
A favorite high school memory was hanging out with her friends at prom this year.
Her future plans include attending St. Cloud Technical College to earn a degree in marketing and design. Then continue on at St.Cloud State to complete her bachelor’s degree. She also plans to move to California some time after graduating college.
Brooke’s advice to freshmen is, “Even though high school feels like it lasts forever, it flies by quicker than you think it will. Make sure to enjoy every moment of it and work as hard as you can. Also, don’t wait until the last minute to write your comp papers.”